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The Green River Area Development District (GRADD) is a regional planning agency serving the communities of Daviess, Hancock, Henderson, McLean, Ohio, Union, and Webster counties. GRADD offers assistance in the fields of aging and social services; community and economic development; transportation planning; and workforce development.
GRADD oversees the following:
  • Social Services - The department is comprised of the following divisions: Aging Services; In-Home Services; Community Services; Consumer Directed Option; and Homeland Security. In addition, the department offers a variety of special projects including regional events, training, and conferences.
  • Job SeekersGRADD’s responsibilities center around: (1) coordinating the operations and services of the Kentucky Career Center System, and (2) providing job search and training assistance to adults, dislocated workers, and youth.
  • ConnectGRADD - ConnectGRADD service is provided by QWireless, in partnership with the Green River Area Development District, covering the Kentucky counties of Daviess, Hancock, Henderson, McLean, Ohio, Union, and Webster.
  • Revolving Loan Program (RLF) - The GRADD Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) was established to develop and assist in financial packages for companies in the industrial, commercial, and service sectors. It is designed to have an impact on the economic growth of the region.
  • Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) - The GRADD Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) was established to develop and assist in financial packages for companies in the industrial, commercial, and service sectors. It is designed to have an impact on the economic growth of the region.
  • Rapid Response - A team of local and state representatives is trained to react quickly to announcements concerning permanent facility closures or substantial layoff situations throughout the state. Rapid Response works closely with the Local Workforce Development Board and the Local Elected Official(s) in adversely affected areas to ensure that dislocated workers receive program information and services. Rapid Response services are offered at no cost to the business or the participating employees.
  • Green River Business Services Team - The Green River Regional Business Services Team aligns and responds to the needs of employers and job seekers through the collaborative optimization of workforce professional resources by communicating and customizing value-added business solutions.
For more information on services provided by GRADD, please complete the submission box below. 


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